Types of vulnerability in disaster management pdf

Relief coordinator for the disaster management training programme. Define disaster, hazard, vulnerability and risk describe the types and the causes of disasters. Poor people are more likely to live and work in areas exposed to potential hazards. Disaster risk can be determined by the presence of three variables. Physical vulnerability may be determined by aspects such as population density levels, remoteness of a settlement, the site, design and materials used for critical infrastructure and for housing unisdr. The disaster management training programme dmtp, which was launched in the early. Clearly, poverty is a major contributor to vulnerability. Social vulnerability refers to the socioeconomic and demographic factors that affect the resilience of communities. In addition to the terminologies, the study also seeks to explain various types of disasters. Identify vulnerabilities using the building vulnerability assessment checklist. Introduction to disaster risk reduction 6 hazards, vulnerability domains and risks will also be discussed.

Examining vulnerability factors to natural disasters with a. Types of vulnerabilities in disaster management a set of prevailing conditions which adversely affect the communitys ability to prevent, mitigate, prepare for or respond to a hazard. Physical, economic, social and political factors determine peoples level of vulnerability and the extent of their capacity to resist, cope with and recover from hazards. Disaster, hazard, vulnerability, capacity, risk and disaster management cycle. Vulnerability and risk office of disaster preparedness and. Disaster prevention and preparedness 1 chapter one what is disaster learning objectives at the end of the chapter the students are expected to.

There are many different factors that determine vulnerability. Types of vulnerabilities in disaster management mne. Discuss the magnitude and distribution of disasters explain different phases of disasters 1. Thus, works undertaken for roads and railways development, land use changes, deforestations. Coburn and others published vulnerability and risk assessment. Vulnerability is one of the defining components of disaster risk. When one hazard meets with a vulnerable community a disaster is likely to occur. Social vulnerability refers to the characteristics of a person or group in terms of their.

Journal of homeland security and emergency management. A disaster occurs when hazards and vulnerability meet show and discuss. Disasters are caused by the interaction of vulnerability and hazards. Pdf vulnerability and risk assessment researchgate.

Vulnerability and risk office of disaster preparedness. Understand that an identified vulnerability may indicate that an asset. Absence of coping strategies is also a part of vulnerability and has to be considered in vulnerability assessment e. Vulnerability describes the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it.

Disaster prevention and preparedness carter center. A social vulnerability index for disaster management. Participation in these communitylevel vulnerability assessments enhances understanding, builds capacity, generates knowledge for management, and allows communities to identify locally appropriate adaptation strategies. In the context of growing vulnerability to climatic hazards in asia, the republic of koreas rok national emergency management agency nema hosted the fourth biannual ministerial conference on.

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